Pool Cove For Above Ground Pools, Do I Really Need It?
What Is Pool Cove?
Nowadays we are installing more above ground pool liners than in years past and we are getting more questions about pool cove than ever before. So it’s time to add this short blog post about pool cove explaining what it is, what it does and how to get it right in your own pool.
First off, let’s deal with what it is. Pool cove is simply a transition area from the pool floor to the pool wall. Instead of a 90° angle where the pool floor meets the pool wall, the cove reduces this angle. In the old days we simply threw dirt up against the pool wall and the floor creating dirt or sand berm. In more recent times pre-made pool cove has become very popular. Pictured above are the flexible foam wedges sold in kits for each size pool. The cove pieces are placed end to end around the inside of the pool wall at the floor and create the berm just like the sand or dirt cove.
Another frequent question is which is better, and the answer is they both do the same thing. Dirt or sand is usually free while the foam cove kits do cost money. Store bought cove does an excellent job at making a perfectly shaped cove and are a requirement if installing your above ground pool on a hard surface like concrete. Sand or dirt should not be used in this case as it would wash away over time from rainfall.
What Pool Cove Does
Pool cove’s main job is to protect the vinyl pool liner from becoming damaged by the framework of the pool. Sharp corners or edges in the frame rails and bottom plate could easily puncture the liner if these two were to meet. So covering the framework with a cove is mandatory. Another job the pool cove performs is taking pressure off of the liner seams. By building or installing a cove the liner doesn’t have to stretch as far so there’s less stress on the seams.
How Big Should My Pool Cove Be?
When you purchase pre-made pool cove it’s typically something like 4″ tall by 4″ wide. This is good enough just as it comes and if you are making your own cove something that size will do the job. It’s important to say that this does not have to be exact in any way, so no need to measure it. If your pool cove is smaller or larger you’ll be fine, just remember the important thing is to cover the framework so nothing bad happens to your new pool liner.